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Last Updated: Year 24 Day 169
Economy: Mining
Icon Image Name Usage W / V (T/m3) Rarity Rate Price
Quantum Quantum Quantum Armour 12 / 1 130 488
Meleenium Meleenium Meleenium Durasteel 11 / 1 500 52
Ardanium Ardanium Ardanium Fuel Canisters 8 / 1 150 423
Rudic Rudic Rudic Electronics 1 / 1 120 540
Ryll Ryll Ryll Drugs 1 / 1 30 8125
Duracrete Duracrete Duracrete Building Materials 9 / 1 250 163
Alazhi Alazhi Alazhi Bacta 2 / 1 60 1885
Laboi Laboi Laboi Lightsabers 4 / 1 2 65000
Adegan Adegan Adegan Lightsabers 3 / 1 2 65000
Rockivory Rockivory Rockivory Antigrav Units / Mechanical Parts 12 / 1 60 260
Tibannagas Tibannagas Tibannagas Blasters / Lasers 0.16 / 1 200 260
Nova Nova Nova Explosives 2 / 1 50 2600
Varium Varium Varium Droids / Equipment 10 / 1 90 1300
Varmigio Varmigio Varmigio Hyperdrives 9 / 1 240 208
Lommite Lommite Lommite Transparisteel 6 / 1 200 293
Hibridium Hibridium Hibridium Cloaking Technology 14 / 1 30 9100
Durelium Durelium Durelium Hyperdrives 8 / 1 120 1690
Lowickan Lowickan Lowickan Valuable Gems 4 / 1 25 11050
Vertex Vertex Vertex Valuable Gems 4 / 1 80 1300
Berubian Berubian Berubian Valuable Gems 3 / 1 2 65000
Bacta Bacta Bacta Medical Equipment 0.8 / 1 0 18850
W / Vol = Weight / Volume
Hibridium 14 / 1 means that 1 m 3 (i.e. one unit) of Hibridium weighs 14 tons.

This means that for 130 deposits of Quantum, you will find 60 deposits of Alazhi or 30 deposits of Hibridium.

Prices are the opposite of rarity. Check the table.

The following formula defines the sizes of a deposit.


Deposit Size = Random * 750 * Material Rarity

Random: (0.1 .. 1.5)

You can sell either to another group or single player at the price you define or you can sell to the server (see Marketplace).

As you can see, selling to the server is not very useful unless you are in dire need of money. Of course, you cannot sell materials to the server from anywhere in the galaxy, you must first transport them to a valid market facility or trade station.

You can buy from other groups / individual players at the price they define or you can buy from the server (see Marketplace). But the quantities are limited. You cannot buy more than what the server has in stock. The stock is everything that the server has purchased, minus what it has sold. Of course, you will not be able to purchase materials anywhere in the galaxy, you will have to travel to a valid market facility or trading station.

There are deposits of raw materials on every planet, on any kind of terrains (Note: you will only find Tibanna Gas on Gas Giants and Deposits and only 1 deposit can be found on a square at any given time). These deposits can be found by prospecting the terrain tiles using special equipment to scan for resources. You can prospect from the atmosphere, on the surface, or inside a city, but you cannot prospect from the atmosphere through an active shield unless you have access through that shield.

Each terrain type has its own probability of a raw material deposit being found, which is displayed on Planetary Grids: Terrains and Raw Material Deposits.

The chance to find a deposit depends of the following:

  • Searcher's Computer Operations
  • Sensors of Equipment
  • Terrain Probability

The following equations are to find a deposit, time required and cost for Prospecting:


Chance of finding = ( 1 + Total Sensors(Comp Op/30+0.05) ) * Terrain Prob

Sensors: Mining Resource Sensors of Vehicle or Ship scanning

Comp Op: Computer Operation Skill of scanner

Terrain Prob: Figure found in table above


Time Taken for Prospecting = {[( 24 / (Total Sensors/(120 - NPC))0.1) - LOG(9 - Comp)((Comp + NPC + 1) * Total Sensors)] / LOG10(Speed + 1)} / 1.2

NPC: Total NPC working helping with the Prospecting

Total Sensors: Sensors of Vehicle or Item scanning

Comp Op: Computer Operation Skill of scanner

Speed: Speed of Vehicle or PC


Cost of Prospecting = 10000 * (1 + Tax + Crime )

Tax: Tax Level of Planet

Crime: Crime Level of Planet

The cost of prospecting is paid by the owner of the prospecting vehicle. You will not automatically find a deposit under your feet if you look for one. The type of the mine depends of the rarity ratio (see the below Mining: Determining Type of Deposit). When a deposit is found, the deposit will become public knowledge. Anyone using the specialised equipment will be able to see all found deposits on a planet.

Currently only the SX-65 Groundhog and FK-7 Airspeeder can be used to scan terrains for resources, However this will expand into ships and probably more vehicles. The SX-65 has 40 Mining Resource Scanners for prospecting and the FK-7 has 10.

Different terrains have different Materials available, not every material can be found on all terrains. The table below shows what material is available on what terrain and the chance of finding any type of material on each terrain.

Mineral/Terrain Black Hole TerrainCaveCraterDesertForestGas GiantGlacierGrasslandJungleMountainOceanRiverRockSun TerrainSwampVolcanic

A percentage for all materials found on the terrain type is calculated and a random selected (0-100).

IF Random is in the cumulative percentage range THEN select material type ELSE check next material on list

On Desert Terrain

Rudic = 12.23%, Duracrete = 25.48%, Laboi = 0.20%, Adegan = 0.20%, Rockivory = 6.12%, Varmigio = 24.46%, Lommite = 20.39%, Lowickan = 2.55%, Vertex = 8.15%, Berubian = 0.20%

Random = 55

First Check: Is 55 in Rudic (0 - 12.23) range ?? NO, next material

Second Check: Is 55 in Duracrete (12.23 - 37.71) range ?? NO, next material

Third Check: Is 55 in Laboi (37.71 - 37.91) range ?? NO, next material

Fourth Check: Is 55 in Adegan (37.91 - 38.11) range ?? NO, next material

Fifth Check: Is 55 in Rockivory (38.11 - 44.23) range ?? NO, next material

Sixth Check: IS 55 in Varmigio (44.23 - 68.69) range ?? YES, so deposit Varmigio.

A mine is built in a grid in order to extract Raw Materials from the deposit. A mine can only extract one type of material at any given time. But you can have more then one mine in a given city mining the same Deposit. Mines also require a work force in order to operate, this means there is a minimum of 1 Worker NPC required to be assigned to a mining facility. These Worker NPCs must be owned by the faction that owns the mining facility.

To extract the materials you must satisfy these conditions:

  • The Mine must be powered.
  • If the owner is a Mining faction then there must be a Manager and an Operator (any faction or character).
    If the owner faction is not a Mining faction then the Manager must be a Mining faction and the Operator a member of that faction.
  • The operator must be assigned and active.

Materials are extracted on a weekly basis from your mines. Each mining facility is extracting a material from the deposit found in the same city. The extracted quantity of material per mine and cost are given to the owner of the mine and can be calculated as follow:

Yield = ( Random1/100 + NPC/10) * ( (1500 * Rarity Rate / 100) * ( Planet Morale + 1 ) - ( 50 * Planet Crime ) + Random2)

Rarity Rate: Rarity Rate of material

Planet Moral: As stated in the Planetary Economy rules a value between 0 and 1

Planet Crime: As stated in the Planetary Economy rules a value between 0 and 1

Random1 (35...50)

Random2 (-50...150)

If a max limit of yield is set, then Random1 = 42.5 and Random2 = 50


Cost = Yield * RM price + (Yield * RM price * Tax) + (0.2 * Yield * RM price * Crime) + 0.375 * 50000 * MAX(0, NPC-1) / (Management+1)

Yield: Extracted quantity of material

RM price: Raw material price from the above table

Planet Tax: As stated in the Planetary Economy rules a value between 0 and 1

Planet Crime: As stated in the Planetary Economy rules a value between 0 and 1

NPC: Amount of NPC working at Mine, the first NPC is free of charge


Management: This is the Mine's operator Management skill

Each time you extract Y tons of a material X, X_Total = X_Total +Y.

Each time you use Y tons of a material X to build or produce something : X_Total = X_Total - Y.

Each time you extract Y tons of material from a mine, its size is diminished by Y. When the size reaches 0, the mine is empty (see below Mining: Moving On (Mine Depletion) for effects). However each week there is a chance of discovering a new pocket of material at the deposit, the chance is calculated below:


Chance = Random1 + Terrain Prob

Success = Random2

Terrain Prob: Terrain Probability of having a raw material deposit as stated on the Planetary Grids

Random1 (0..40)

Random2 (30..80)

You have the option of using explosives to increase the amount of materials yielded. Doing so also has a risk of failure, resulting in lost materials and damage to the mine and its contents. The amount yielded or lost and the chance of failure is dependent on the explosive used. The risk of failure increases in damaged mines.

It is possible to link the mine to another facility, ship or vehicle and use explosives contained within those entities. If a mine runs out of explosives it will continue to yield without them, sending an event to the owner, commander and pilot informing of the lack of explosives.

$$C = E_{\mathrm{f}} + (1 - E_{\mathrm{f}}) M_{\mathrm{d}}$$
  • $$C$$ = Chance of Failure
  • $$E_{\mathrm{f}}$$ = Failure chance of explosve used
  • $$M_{\mathrm{d}}$$ = Percentage of lost hull of mine

$$Y_{\mathrm{t}} = Y(1 + Y_{\mathrm{m}})$$

$$Y_{\mathrm{m}} = \begin{cases}E_{\mathrm{s}}\,\text{if explosive succesful} \\ - E_{\mathrm{l}}\,\text{otherwise}\end{cases}$$

  • $$Y_{\mathrm{t}}$$ = Total yield from using explosives
  • $$Y$$ = normal Yield of mine
  • $$Y_{\mathrm{m}}$$ = Modifier for extra/lost yield
  • $$E_{\mathrm{s}}$$ = Percentage of extra yield from explosive used
  • $$E_{\mathrm{l}}$$ = Percentage of lost yield from explosive used

All damage is subject to armor and damage type modifiers, as detailed in Ground Combat.


$$D = E_{\mathrm{max}} E_{\mathrm{mh}} C$$

  • $$D$$ = Damage to mine
  • $$E_{\mathrm{max}}$$ = Max damage of explosive
  • $$E_{\mathrm{mh}}$$ = Max hits of explosive
  • $$C$$ = Critical mulitplier

$$D = rand(E_{\mathrm{max}}, E_{\mathrm{min}}) E_{\mathrm{mh}}$$

  • $$D$$ = Damage to entities in mine
  • $$E_{\mathrm{max}}$$ = Max damage of explosive
  • $$E_{\mathrm{min}}$$ = Min damage of explosive
  • $$E_{\mathrm{mh}}$$ = Max hits of explosive

The NPCs doing the mining receive 15 XP each time mining completes.

Having a LIN-series Miner droid present and assigned to a mine reduces the chance of a collapse event, and increases the chance of a new deposit being discovered.

Only NPCs that meet the following conditions are used when starting a Mine/Alazhi Farm:

  • NPCs must be in the Mine/Alazhi Farm you start the mining/farming process
  • NPCs must be Workers
  • NPCs must be idling
  • NPCs must either be owned, managed or supervised by the owner, manager or operator of the Mine/Alazhi Farm
  • NPCs must not be arrested
  • NPCs must not be member of a party or squad

If a new pocket of deposit is not found, then a similar check is done with parameters:


Chance = Random1 + Terrain Prob

Success = Random2

Terrain Prob: Terrain Probability of having a raw material deposit as stated on the Planetary Grids

Random1 (0..40)

Random2 (30..80)

If this check is successful then the mine suffers a collapse that costs a random amount between 25k and 100k. The deposit is reduced by the amount the mine would have yielded plus a fifth of the deposit size for the type of materials being mined and no materials are yielded. If the cost cannot be covered, then clean up cannot be done and no materials are added back in. If the collapse cost has been payed then the clean up is done and between 5% and 75% of what the yield would have been is yielded.

Organic raw materials such as Alazhi regenerate on a monthly basis. The larger the deposit the greater it regenerates.

Once a mine finishes mining a deposit, the deposit is depleted. Afterward, the terrain square can be reprospected, and another deposit of the same type may be found.

Raw Materials are stored first in the cargo area of the mining facilities and then optionally to storage facilities of the same owner in the same city. Later, they can be moved to the cargo area of vehicles or ships in same city. If city is full (eg. Both the Mine and storage facilities are full), then mining is stopped. Only certain facilities can contain raw materials, these are Warehouse, Hangar, Landing Pad, Factory, Mine, Recycling Plant, Sith Temple, Jedi Praxeum, Silo, Alazhi Farm, Bacta Refinement Facility, Dry Dock, Naval Shipyard, Port, Starport, Lab.

Transfer to storage facilities is optional and is selected at the time the mine is started. There is a cost incurred to pay for transport. Below calculates this transport cost:


Cost = Yield * 75

Yield: This is the amount of raw materials transferred

The following types of facilities can be used for optional automated storage of raw materials:


Landing Pad

Landing Pad




Raw materials can be transferred between entities under the following rules:

  1. Can only transfer materials to other entities (ships/vehicles/space stations/facilities) that are in the same position e.g. city, space, etc.
  2. You cannot transfer while moving or at the atmosphere level.
  3. You can transfer from entity to entity if one is docked inside the other.
  4. You can transfer from entity to entity if both are docked inside the same entity.
  5. You can transfer to another entity at the same location if: (a) You are able to board it, or (b) Your entity and the other can share sensors (see Vision: Sharing Sensors), or (c) The materials and the entity are owned by the same character or faction.

Raw materials cannot be transferred to Fighters or Gunboats.

Mines can be set to run infinitely with the checkbox repeat.
The current setting of running mines can be viewed in the Facility Inventory: such mines are marked with a small ∞ in the bottom right corner.

The mining process can be paused by removing its operator. The mine continues to run when a new operator is set in place.